Moving on to a new Blog

28 01 2020

Dear readers, customers and friends of this Blog,

I have decided to move my blogging activities closer to my company Wechsler Consulting and have created an educational section there, where not only blog posts and infos, but also online course and additional educational material will be available.

forklift and truck

Due to this, I will not post here any more , but will leave the existing info here for your reference.
I do hope you will join me on my new site Wechsler Consulting Cloud Campus.

See You there! It will be a lot of fun….. 😉


Thanks and best regards



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

20 12 2019

to all my customers, partners, friends and visitors of my blog/website including your families and loved ones!

I am very thankful to have You all and am looking forward to a great New Year!

Beautiful winter sunrise

All the best


How to handle state in serverless applications

23 06 2019

There are two ways to handle state in applications. One is to keep the state close to business logic (in-memory) , this is called “Stateful”. The other is to persist state somewhere in a store e.g. a SQL DB, Document DB or even in a Blob, away from business logic, which is called “Stateless”. Both variations have pros and cons, here the most striking ones:




  • Very fast access to state data
  • Straightforward to implement



  • Hard to use in scenarios with concurrent access
  • Persistence is not easy, especially, if persisted state needs to be up-to-date.
  • Difficult to synchronize with other systems (e.g. between Azure regions). This is especially worrisome in high availability / disaster recovery scenarios.
  • Does not really scale well in concurrency scenarios
  • Adds a lot of state handling logic to business logic, if you want to satisfy more complex scenarios such as session context, transactions or multi-tenancy.
  • Hard to debug
  • Data is volatile and therefore difficult to re-use
  • Memory use grows linear with amount of data, which might create application problems under high load
  • Re-use of stateful instances might get difficult/problematic




  • Persisted state can be accessed easily
  • Great in concurrency situations, if a suiting store (database) is used. This is because, the store handles access synchronization.
  • Good to debug. There is good tool support, for many stores
  • Session or transactional capabilities are quite often built into stores
  • Great data re-use options in other parts of the application
  • Good data synchronization capabilities, which enables robust HA/DR scenarios
  • Easy re-use of stateless components


  • Implementation not as straightforward, because of store access
  • Data access from business logic not as fast as stateful direct memory access
  • Requires an additional PaaS store, such as Azure SQL or Cosmos DB, bringing in additional infrastructure costs / component risks.

No wrong or right

Real life is not “black or white” and, due to this, a recommendation just to use one of these approaches certainly will not fit all use cases possible. However, in serverless applications a stateless approach should be favored, because it enables true flexibility, re-use and granularity without worrying about state handling.
Stateful scenarios make especially sense, if one thinks of them as “cache”, which then ideally is backed by persisted data from a store and kept up-to-date via events or cache expiration.
Azure Functions can only be used in a stateless fashion and also most available 3rd party connectors adhere to this paradigm.


Choosing a stateless store

As you most probably might guess, the choose of a data store does have quite an impact on a solution. We have been talking about Azure SQL, Cosmos DB and Blobs. Azure Tables should also be mentioned in this context. Looking at functionality, databases should be preferred over relatively raw storage solutions such as Blobs or Azure Tables. If your application is not a very simple one, or might grow, those stores do not provide functionality you might need over time.

Azure SQL and Cosmos DB do provide a lot of data handling functionality.
Porting a SQL-based application to Azure Azure SQL might provide some good opportunities for code re-use (e.g. looking at stored procedures) from an existing system. Azure SQL has good data synchronization mechanisms with failover capabilities (single master) and provides great scale via partitioning or sharding of data.

If you are completely free to choose, I definitely recommend to have a look at Cosmos DB. Its data access performance is absolutely fantastic: I have seen read access durations of 1-2 milliseconds. It synchronizes instances around the globe configured by a mouse click and enables multi-master scenarios having different consistency levels. Additionally, Cosmos DB can be enhanced with powerful indexing and search capabilities offered by Azure Search and it provides connectors into the “Big Data” world, e.g. for Azure Databricks.
There is one drawback with Cosmos DB, which is the higher price compared to Azure SQL or Azure Cloud Storage. In certain not sophisticated scenarios, where no cross-region synch, high speed data read and multi-master scenarios are not required, these higher costs may not be justified.
Nevertheless, if your requirements are more demanding, Cosmos DB will be your friend! You will be able to compare higher Azure costs to implementation and infrastructure efforts saved! It should be taken into account that Microsoft needs to set up datacenters , networks and servers to provide the “Cosmos DB level of comfort” to developers, too.


Where to put serverless business logic???

13 06 2019

Good question!
There are several platform services you can put a serverless application’s logic in Azure, but not all might suit your needs.


Let us have a look, there are:

There are quite a few more PaaS Services you can use, but, for a start, let us stay with those mentioned.

Sorting out, what to choose

The basic bricks in the Azure serverless construction kit are Azure Functions. They should be used to implement custom, pieces of functionality. It is important to have many functions, not a huge a single one that holds the complete logic of an application to enable flexible combinations as well as easy re-organization of those, to have good granularity as business requirements change.


Azure functions can call themselves directly, which is perfectly valid, or use the services of an orchestrator such as Logic apps or Flow to create workflows based  on self-implemented Functions, 3rd party functionality offerings, which are pulled in via “connectors”, or the mixture of both. The later scenario most probably is the one that is desired for many business solutions: Use custom as well as 3rd party functionality bricks, to get things done fast and efficient.
The difference between Flow and Logic apps is that Flow is an external service that is used to orchestrate selected functionality exposed by ones app through web hooks. Therefore, it is much like, the better known, If-This-Than-That (IFTTT) orchestrator and is ideally be used to enable anybody at the outside to use functionality exposed by your app, if desired.
Due to this and the fact that normally nobody wants to expose all of an apps inner workings, Logic apps, as the Azure-native orchestrator, would be the best choice to be used for the development of a custom solution.

Leveraging other Cloud services

As already mentioned, there are a lot of 3rd party building blocks one can use e.g. to send mail or twitter messages with the help of connectors. Fortunately, there are also connectors for other Azure infrastructural parts and services, such as message queues. You could set up a classical Service Bus namespace, or rely on the Azure Event Grid global messaging infrastructure that is provided by Azure, as well. This enables a solution to work asynchronously, buffering peak loads or even surviving smaller outages, without loosing information.


What else do we need?

At the end of the day, we want to persist our data in a reliable store and here it comes in handy that Azure is offering blob, table and Azure SQL storage services, to be tailored to your needs.
In this context Cosmos DB is one of the new shining stars, providing polyglot access in easily deployed, cross-regional, multi-master no-SQL DB store scenarios. This DB is really fast and unbelievable efficient. However, it is not one of the cheapest services.
Another, more than important, pillar of a solution is identity. In Azure you are able to choose between Azure Active Directory, if your solution is facing company employees or Active Directory B2C, if real customers are using your application. Both directories provide state of the art security and identification mechanisms leveraging OAuth and OpenIdConnect standards. And no worries, it is also possible to use both within a solution to satisfy the needs of different roles.
Example: employee as content provider  using AAD – customer as content subscriber identified by AAD B2C!

Quite often solutions need to work with data, search, evaluate and recognize correct trends or do recommendations. At this point Azure intelligence backed by Azure Search, Cognitive Services and Machine learning comes into play. These services are able to cover a broad range of complexity, reaching from easy to use picture recognition, to highly demanding AI models to predict car prices. It is certainly a good idea to start with low hanging fruits, such as providing good search capabilities in your app, before delving into the deep seas of data lakes and analytics clusters to back continuously optimized AI models.


And yes, there is more …..

With the services described, we are already in for good start to create a first serverless solution. But, we have by far not seen all of the possibilities. Nevertheless, this is a good bridge-head to rest for the moment. Rome was not built in a day and we are going to make our way episode by episode through the jungle! Winking smile


Serverless UI in Azure

4 06 2019

Basically any application you are not hosting on your own server can be considered serverless. It should not need one of your servers as backend, of course.
Due to this, even desktop apps can be considered serverless, but, nowadays, the mainstream approach has shifted to have an application using a backend API in the Cloud. Desktop apps also have installation and security issues and have been replaced by apps loaded from a store that takes care (or at least should) that no malware can be installed on your mobile or desktop client.
This approach works well for commercial apps, but for custom business solutions the store overhead for registration with a store provider, additional costs of testing, is avoided by delivering HTML/JavaScript based single page applications (SPAs) to employees. Especially, if we are talking about internal business solutions.

These apps can either be loaded from a storage location in the Cloud, for example an Azure Blob, which even can be distributed world-wide via a content delivery network (CDN) for high-speed loading, or a web application hosted on as an Azure App service.
A favor for using an Azure App Service is the additional infrastructure regarding, development and deployment, easy scaling, security as well as monitoring, one gets from the Azure App platform service.

To develop SPAs profound knowledge of HTML and JavaScript and frameworks such as Angular, jQuery, React, to name just the prominent ones, is required, if you want to achieve good to great results.


This development process is also not as fast as it was, for example in the past creating business Visual Basic applications, which had other issues, of course.

In this light it may be interesting that there is a new Microsoft NET Core technology on the horizon called Blazor, which enables developers to code web applications in a combination of HTML and C# with a full roundtrip development experience in Visual Studio.
Blazer comes in two flavors or hosting models:

  • Hosted in an ASP.NET app service, running as server-sider code sending rendered HTML pages down to browser client. SignalR is used for interaction with backend.(available right now with ASP.NET Core 3.0)
  • Client app hosted in browser leveraging the new web assembly standard to be compatible wit all common browser engines. The local app can use web API calls or SignalR to communicate with the backend. (in the future available with .NET 5.0 – which includes ASP.NET Core – now in public preview)

Quite a bit of this new approach still is in the making, but what looks compelling to me is the re-use of C# skills in the UI layer in combination with the excellent tool support through Visual Studio. It also promises some reduction of complexity and dynamics looking at the fast changing releases of the JavaScript frameworks, which, quite often, makes it a challenge to do future-proof decisions for larger teams in longer lasting projects. Blazor, therefore also has the potential to improve development speed significantly!


There is a componentized approach coming with Blazor, as well, which was introduced long time ago in various Microsoft technologies ranging from VB to Office and also has been implemented by JavaScript frameworks such as React.
Razor components ( which is the preceding ASP.Net server-side framework) can be re-used in Blazor and, due to this, a real good 3rd party offering, for grids, chart and gauge displays, calendars, data and time pickers, and whatever one needs for an application, is already available.

We will see how it evolves, but the first impression with Blazor is quite promising.



Serverless – What is the difference?

27 05 2019

Classic business applications

Let us have a look at the classic solution architecture, everybody has been implementing for quite a few years and which worked (and still works!) in our company data centers.


Normally you will find three tiers of application layering:

  • Presentation layer
  • Business logic
  • Storage layer

Presentation Layer serves application content either as a web application hosted on the server or as a single page application (SPA) that calls into APIs on the web server. SPAs have become more and more popular due to their superior user experience and good support within the newest JavaScript frameworks, such as Angular and React. 
Business logic quite often is either a unique (monolithic) API application or is spread across separate microservices providing the technical implementation of use cases. Into these endpoints the web application calls to trigger process, get data etc.. 
Backend of a business application classically is a SQL database, which takes care on efficient data storage as well as data operations to serve the requesting application’s needs.

So far, so good!
This solution architecture works and has proven itself even in highest load scenarios, when implemented correctly and run in a capable data center. Of course there are the standard Cloud versus data center discussion points, but serverless is a bit different, because it is is not necessarily bound to any of these two. One could have a serverless approach in one’s own data center and eg. Azure Stack is Microsoft’s implementation of this approach (there is more to it, of course, but let us leave here for the moment).
The main problems of 3-tier applications are:

  • A lot of infrastructure/plumbing code implementation required
  • Due to this tight coupling between infrastructure and code – to some extend even dependencies on hardware
  • Missing flexibility when it comes to change business logic
  • Many people and departments involved
  • Therefore lengthy processes required
  • Always combined tests for infrastructure and code required

These are just prominent ones and it all boils down to, that 3-tier architectures work, but require quite an investment and are not a quick and easy setup.

What is serverless doing different ?

From a company’s perspective it is only important to implement just the business logic and UI, all the other effort (having data centers, networks, servers and other hardware) is done to run 3-tier applications, because it is necessary, not because anybody really wants to.   
To get out of this dilemma, serverless technologies try to put infrastructure functionality into reusable building blocks, which can be assembled and used independently from the underlying infrastructure and hardware.
With the arrival of the Cloud, this is also what makes it possible for a Cloud vendor to share his infrastructure easily between different customers by dissolving any dependencies between code and infrastructure/hardware as much as possible.

How does it look like, if one migrates a classic solution architecture into a serverless one?
Well here an example (well, high-level Smile) , but I am going to delve into more of the details in my upcoming posts.


It is easy to see that there is not necessarily a change in the logical tiering, but in platform services (PaaS) or components, which are used in a dedicated tier. Through the re-use of components there may also be more than the 3 classical layers by combing the building blocks, such as Functions or Logic Apps, in a more granular way.
The very striking benefit of this approach is that one has to write only application related code, which ideally is written in componentized form to mirror the building-block like approach of the PaaS services used. Anybody, who has played with Lego bricks growing up, may see an analogy, here.

The ease of use of these functional blocks , who have pre- built connectors into the rich functionality of Cloud services, enables an unprecedented flexibility and speed to adapt an application’s logic to changing market requirements.

As an example for business logic tier, the chain of functionality calls shown below can easily be newly arranged by re-organizing them in configuration, without writing code! Which is fast and cost saving.


This re-combination approach is not limited to business tier in serverless applications, but can be leveraged in all tiers of the solution, making it a fully multi-layered approach.

In the next post I am going to shed some light on the existing as well as new and exciting possibilities to create a serverless presentation layer for an application.

Open-mouthed smile


Going “serverless” will change your business!

21 05 2019

Every 10 to 15 years a game changing technology comes along, not only to change perspective, but also the way business is done. 
For me, serverless computing is one of these game changers!

Yes, I know, the new technology does not yet fit all use cases and still has to mature, but I would like to argue that now is the right time to get familiar with it. Just because, this will give you a competitive advantage on everybody else, as soon as “serverless” becomes mainstream.


The term “serverless” is somehow misleading, because it does not mean that there are no servers involved to run your code. Of course there are! And plenty!

The big difference is that these servers run in the Cloud datacenters of vendors such as with Microsoft on Azure, who try to create a user experience that does shield as much infrastructure woes from customers as possible. Doing this, we, the customers, are able to focus on creating just the functionality required to handle our business logic.

Writing a business application one has not to worry about:

  • Creating a data center with building, HVAC and IT hardware
  • Power supply
  • Connectivity
  • Storage space
  • Scalability
  • Plumbing code between application layers
  • Physical servers (thus serverless)
  • Train IT personal
  • Technical support
  • Security (well, at least to some extend)

All you need is an internet connection! Nevertheless one should be aware, that this means “always on” for the Internet connection is a must! This is easy to achieve in metropolitan areas, but can be a challenge if you live further out in the country.

Going serverless a Cloud vendor takes the burden of nearly all the problems mentioned above, because it is easier and more efficient for them to do this at large scale. In return, a customers pays the vendor for the services and technologies offered, just as he uses them. In the end, and if prices are fair, this is a classical win-win situation for both.

One additional thing that stands out above all things for developers as well as subject matter experts is flexibility. Going serverless does not mean that one just moves the old classical datacenter into the Cloud and all is set. It does mean that you now are able to tackle a complete new fabric that offloads plumbing code and infrastructure pain from developers to focus on use cases and business rules.
Furthermore, it provides fast and easy access to change and adapt these implementations to the ever changing real life requirements as fast as possible.

Having this, doing real-time business applications is not a dream!!!

In the next weeks and months I am going to discuss and demonstrate different approaches to go serverless on Windows Azure, here on this blog.

I would be very happy, if You are willing to share the fun and join me on this journey!


Azure SQL Warehouse interesting comparisons

10 04 2019


Just fresh from the press some quite stunning performance tests from GigaOM with Azure SQL Warehouse and the competition.


Cheers Smile


Business Class Photography

29 03 2019

… now something completely different.

My sister Anja (photographer) and her colleague Iris (stylist) have founded a new startup in Munich focused on photographing business people.

Check them out at:


As seasoned business pros they know how to put You into perspective.

Just have a look at the results.

Winking smile


Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2019!

24 12 2018


Have some great and relaxing Holidays…
